Friday 31 July 2015

Sex and love are often confused by many

Happy couple

Sex and love are often confused by many as the same which is one of the major causes of breakups nowadays.
Having great sex with someone doesn't mean you love them and any relationship built on that is bound to fall apart because it started for all the wrong reasons but true love always stand the test of time.
Tor Constantino of The Good Men Project lists a few abilities couples should have in common to help secure lasting love:

  1. AvailAbility: The first necessary "Ability" for ensuring a great love and relationship is the ability to be present and in the moment, mentally, emotionally and physically for your partner. It's important to note that being available is more than just physical proximity. The hearts of a couple sitting right next to each other can be miles apart. Obviously, there are long-distance relationships due to the economy, military duty or other circumstances that separate individuals, but distance doesn't have to equate to a doomed love. The key is maximizing your availability to your partner as much as possible—mentally, emotionally and physically. If you're available to your mate both mentally and emotionally, you can still be a great lover despite a challenging physical distance.
  2. DependAbility: Perhaps the most important "Ability" of any relationship is the ability to be earn and keep the trust of your mate. Trust is also one of the most difficult aspects of a relationship to achieve, and it's also the easiest to destroy. Yet dependability is an easy concept to understand. It necessitates that you're someone who can be relied upon, that you keep your word, that you follow through on promises, and that you're worthy of trust. Betrayal is a violation of that dependability, that trust, and very few relationships can survive a pattern of that bad behavior. Maybe that's why Dante’s Inferno reserves the last circle of Hell for those who have betrayed a special relationship.
  3. AccountAbility: The truth is that all of us make mistakes in our relationships, but if you want your love to last you have to have the "Ability" to fess up, admit your mistakes and apologize—quickly. Accountability to one another is critical to long-term success in any relationship. It’s about mutual understanding, shared expectations, as well as individually accepting the consequences and outcomes of our own actions or words. But as individuals, we tend to be notoriously selfish. I know I'm more apt to blame someone else for my mistakes and shortfalls, even when I'm obviously at fault. That's because I’m human and you are, too. Accountability and love require us to rise above that selfish, individual nature and consider the needs of others first.

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